Access & Use Baker Library

Accessing Baker Library

Baker Library’s Special Collections & Archives are open to all researchers, regardless of academic affiliation. For more information, visit our Special Collections & Archive Page.

Visit Special Collections & Archives

Baker Library's Stamps Reading Room and Stacks are open to active Harvard ID holders:

  • Faculty

  • Students

  • Staff

  • Harvard Library card holders

Baker Library also welcomes:

  • HBS Executive Education participants: participants may use their room keys to access Baker Library. Participants without room keys: contact to plan your visit.

  • Staff hired by HBS Research Staff Services.

  • HBS Online participants: contact to plan your visit.

  • Researchers using National Endowment for the Humanities materials housed at Baker Library: contact to plan your visit.

If you do not fall into one of the above categories:

You can apply for library access.

User categories include (but aren't limited to):

  • HBS/Harvard alumni

  • Independent researchers

  • Domestic partners of HBS/Harvard faculty, students, & staff

  • Research assistants and library proxies

Harvard Library Visitor Access

Database access:

In addition to physical spaces, access includes the use of many, but not all, of our electronic resources. Please consult our databases page for information on resources available to visitors.

Databases for Visitors

Borrowing Policies

Baker Library’s circulating collection is available for loan to eligible Harvard ID holders. Please visit the Harvard Library Borrowing page for more information on borrowing policies & procedures.

Harvard Library: Borrow, Renew & Return Library Materials

Proxy Accounts

Faculty may sponsor up to three individuals to perform work on their behalf using a library proxy account. To apply:

  1. Faculty provide details about the intended proxy, including that person’s legal name.

  2. Faculty provide details about themselves.

  3. Faculty agree to take responsibility for the proxy using the library and materials.

  4. Faculty and proxy wait for instructions from library staff to confirm the proxy is eligible to act on behalf of the faculty, including checking out library materials.

Library proxy access to electronic library resources requires both an HBS email address and faculty sponsorship if the individual falls into one of these categories:

  • Contractors, consultants, and less than half time or temporary employees

  • Students or collaborators not affiliated with HBS

Exceptions may apply. Please consult library staff ahead of time for assistance.

Harvard Library Proxy Access Form

Still need help?

Our expert librarians are here to help you find what you’re looking for.

Interior shot of inside Baker Library hall with students
Shot of inside of Baker Library with students studying