Teaching Support for HBS Faculty

We work with faculty to enhance the student learning experience in the classroom and help students with course assignments and independent projects.

Baker Library works with faculty who are designing or revising a course to develop an information-rich learning environment. We assist with integrating resources and research skill development into the curriculum to achieve teaching objectives and enhance student learning. We support faculty teaching groups with case/exhibit updates for classroom use. We also deliver in-class presentations, develop custom course products and manage course-related readings. 

Baker Library also supports students with their coursework and independent project assignments. Students can meet with us individually or in teams to discuss course projects, develop search strategies, identify the best research sources for their assignments, and learn how to cite their work. 

What we can help with

Still need help?

Our expert librarians are here to help you find what you’re looking for.

Interior shot of inside Baker Library hall with students
Shot of inside of Baker Library with students studying