Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion
As a research library committed to collecting, preserving, and making accessible resources that document the history of business, Baker Library welcomes a wide range of users to explore our rich collections.
As members of the HBS community, we embrace the actions outlined in HBS' action plan for Advancing Racial Equity & Diversity.
As members of the Harvard Library community, we stand in unity with Our Responsibilities: A Message from Martha Whitehead.
Within Special Collections & Archives, we recognize that we must make clear how we intend to take meaningful action against structural racism and inequality. To that end we will:
Address any offensive or harmful language in our collection descriptions and cataloging and make those descriptions more conscious and inclusive by revising our descriptive and cataloging practices going forward using our Guiding Principles for Conscious and Inclusive Description;
Extend access to our collections through digitization and enhanced web content;
Increase the diversity of our collections starting with the contemporary business archival collecting program by seeking out the records of Black leaders in business and entrepreneurs, preserving their legacy, and providing access to primary data for scholars and practitioners worldwide.
We welcome comments and suggestions on this statement and our work. Email
Published November 2021