Scott D. Cook, MBA 1976
Scott Cook, HBS 1976, started his career at Procter & Gamble, where he learned about product development, market research, and marketing. The insights he gained in these areas inspired him to seek an idea for a company of his own. One day when his wife was complaining about paying the bills, Scott realized that the new personal computers people had just begun to purchase in significant numbers could be put to vital, everyday use. Scott recognized the strong potential market for basic software that would help people pay their bills quickly and easily, via their PCs. He launched Intuit in 1984, which today offers software and online products to help individuals and small companies manage their finances. In March 2001, Scott described his remarkable entrepreneurism in a video interview at his office in the heart of Silicon Valley. Interviewer: Amy Blitz, HBS Director of Media Development for Entrepreneurial Management.