Economics and Global Commerce

The Fall of Greece

When the Syriza party emerged victorious in Greece's national election last week, many citizens rejoiced at the promise of an easing of austerity measures. Professor George Serafeim believes having fresh people in government is a positive development, but fears they could point the country backward, away from competition and free-market forces.

Editor's note. On Sunday, the left-leaning Syriza party and its leader Alexis Tsipra won a decisive national victory in Greece, partly on pledges to reduce current austerity measures and to seek a restructuring of debt commitments to European partners. George Serafeim, Jakurski Family Associate Professor of Business Administration and a native of Greece, offers his insights into what the election means for the country.

Many people ask me what the recent elections in Greece mean for the Greek economy. While I agree reforms are needed, I am skeptical that the new government, Syriza, can deliver them by favoring reform based on central government control rather than the forces of competition, meritocracy, and individual accountability.

Let me be clear about one thing: the previous government, as most previous governments, failed Greece. In my opinion, it did not implement needed reforms and, in any case, did not manage to reform the country in a fast enough pace. Driving from Athens to Thessaloniki in 20 hours is hardly an achievement—even if there is a lot of traffic. Moreover, I am happy to see old faces go: I am a big believer of the saying "you cannot teach an old dog new tricks." Individuals raised in an environment of favoritism, nepotism, and cronyism are unlikely to let old habits go.

I am afraid, though, that the new government will cause damage for one primary reason: it seeks to suppress any signs of competition, meritocracy, and individual accountability in the country. (Note, this has nothing to do with the discussion around whether the debt level is sustainable; I actually agree with Syriza that the debt level is not sustainable and that the implemented extreme austerity measures are not optimal.)

For example, the government's commitments include:

  • Not allowing establishment of private educational institutions on equal footing with public institutions. The best educational institutions in the world are private and I am proud to be a faculty in one of them.

  • Rehiring public sector employees who were laid off because of inadequacy to perform their jobs. Common sense suggests why this will lead to an inefficient public sector.

  • Nationalization or reversal of planned privatizations of economic assets. I have not seen not even one credible academic study that suggests that state-owned enterprises are run more efficiently than private ones. To the contrary the poor utilization of assets, especially in poorly governed countries like Greece, is dramatic.

The emerging status is pretty clear: a deeply socialist state where central planning by politicians will command the use of scarce resources. These politicians have little if any work experience and rather disappointing professional careers. One can check this easily by searching on Google the members of the new government.

My sense is that 2015 will be another year of great uncertainty for Greeks as the new government presses forward with its program. Just three days after the election, the Athens stock market index is down by almost 20 percent and the bank index by 45 percent. Investors, which are so badly needed in order to restart the Greek economy, are fleeing the country expecting that the economy will get worse, not better. This reallocation of wealth is real. Money is being transferred from people that support the Greek economy to people that bet against it, through sorting of stocks and derivatives.

Why am I not focusing on what everybody else is talking about, the country's debt? Because I am less worried about this government, or any government, causing damage on the liability side of the economy by pressuring to restructure the debt etc.. I am incredibly worried that it will cause significant damage on the asset side of the economy by destroying any emerging effort to create a competitive environment that could lead to innovation and economic growth.

Furthermore, even if the debt is reduced now, unless you create a competitive economy you will end up with a lot of debt tomorrow. Such inter-temporal transfers of wealth have been a characteristic of the Greek society for the past 30 years. The young generation is left to pay the bill. Faced with a huge bill, an increasing number of young Greeks are leaving the country causing perhaps the most damaging effect of them all, brain drain.

One of the most robust academic evidence is that an economy where the means of production are controlled by individuals (and where property rights are clearly allocated in competitive markets) is far superior to a centrally planned economy where the means of production are controlled by the political process. And the superiority does not come only in terms of economic growth, but also employment, access to health care and education, social mobility, social cohesiveness, freedom of speech, and non-violence.

Greece badly needs the creative destruction brought by the forces of competition—not a destruction brought by outdated and failed political views. However, with both financial and human capital fleeing the country little hope remains at this point.

I am optimistic though: I believe that Greeks will soon realize, after initial disappointment once again at the failed promises of a new government, that democracy, an institution born in Greece, is compatible only with competition, meritocracy, and individual accountability. Once that realization takes place, Greece will enter a new phase where prosperity will be a reality and not part of political speeches.

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