Stephen P. Bradley
William Ziegler Professor of Business Administration, Emeritus
Professor Bradley is the William Ziegler Professor of Business Administration Emeritus at the Harvard Business School. In addition to teaching Management and Strategy in the Owner President Management Program and leading an Immersion Experience Program (IXP) in Turkey this year, he is the faculty chair of two executive programs, Strategy: Building and Sustaining Competitive Advantage and Designing and Executing Strategy. In the past, he has served as the Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Development, Chairman of the Program for Management Development, Chairman of the Competition and Strategy Area, Chairman of the Managerial Economics Area, Course Head for Managerial Economics, and Associate Director of Research. In the MBA program, he created a course, Competing in the Information Age, which focused on the impact of the Internet on business strategy.
Professor Bradley's research interests center on the impact of technology on industry structure and competitive strategy. His most recent book, The Broadband Explosion: Leading Thinkers on the Promise of a Truly Interactive World, published by Harvard Business School Press (2005), argues that cheap and abundant bandwidth has the potential for creating new capabilities, markets, and strategies that will forever alter the business landscape. An earlier book, Sense and Respond: Capturing the Value in the Network Era, Harvard Business School Press (1998), dealt with the shift from “make and sell” strategies to “sense and respond” strategies driven by the explosion of information technology and the use of the Internet. Related books, Globalization, Technology, and Competition, Harvard Business School Press (1993), dealt with the fusion of computers and telecommunications in the 1990s, and Future Competition in Telecommunications, Harvard Business School Press (1989) delt with the emerging competitive landscape for telecommunications. He has written three other books: Quantitative Methods in Management, Richard D. Irwin, Inc., Applied Mathematical Programming, Addison-Wesley, Inc., and Management of Bank Portfolios, John Wiley and Sons as well as numerous case studies and articles for academic journals.
In his outside activities, Professor Bradley has worked on a variety of strategy initiatives in both the private and public sectors. He serves as a member of the board of directors of CIENA Corporation, Transatlantic Reinsurance Company, the Risk Management Foundation, Inc. and Zuma360 Software, Inc. as well as on several advisory boards of nonpublic companies. In the past, he was a member of the board of directors of i2 Technologies, Inc., Roadmaster Industries, Inc., and XcelleNet, Inc. and also a member of the editorial board of the Harvard Business Review.
Professor Bradley received his BE in Electrical Engineering from Yale University where he was elected to TAU BETA PI, and his MS and PhD in Operations Research from the University of California, Berkeley. Prior to coming to Harvard, he was with the Center for Exploratory Studies of the IBM Corporation.