When news broke March 24 that a young co-pilot for Lufthansa's low cost-airline Germanwings had intentionally crashed a passenger jet into the French Alps, killing himself and 149 others, people struggled for answers. What would make someone take his own life along with those of so many innocent people?
One possible answer came this past week when the airline revealed that the pilot, Andreas Lubitz, had previously suffered from deep depression. Debates began about how Lubitz's mental health played into the tragedy, what treatment he might have received, and whether Lufthansa should have let him fly at all.
That discussion is a rare surfacing of an issue too often ignored—the problem of mental health in the workplace.
A very interesting question to ask is whether the tragedy will be good or bad for treatment and management of mental health in the workplace
"To date, companies have focused on physical health much more than they have on mental health," says Professor John A. Quelch, Charles Wilson Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School. In collaboration with Carin-Isabel Knoop, executive director of the HBS Case Research & Writing Group, he recently wrote the note, Mental Health and the American Workplace, exploring the extent of the phenomenon, its cost to organizations and employees, and some managerial responses.
In some ways, it makes sense that mental health issues get buried. "Most physical conditions are visible, either to the naked eye or on an X-ray," says Quelch, who holds a joint appointment as Professor in Health Policy and Management at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. "Mental health conditions aren't so readily identifiable."
It's clear from Quelch and Knoop's research that most companies treat mental health as an afterthought.
"If you look at the allocation of resources in corporate wellness programs, you will find it heavily weighted towards physical health," says Quelch. Only rarely does a tragedy, such as a suicide of a top management executive or workplace shooting by a disgruntled current or former employee, make the issue part of global debate; the Germanwings crash provides both an opportunity and a warning on the issue.
"A very interesting question to ask is whether the German pilot tragedy will be good or bad for treatment and management of mental health in the workplace," says Quelch. "On the one hand, it focuses tremendous attention on mental health in the workplace. " But an overreaction to the issue could result in costly ramp-ups of mental health screening of questionable effectiveness. Such screenings may do more harm than good by stigmatizing those who legitimately suffer from mental health issues that are entirely manageable, and by making it more costly for them to come forward.
"You can imagine a fallout from this tragedy, subjecting everyone from crane operators to Uber drivers to random mental health checks," says Quelch. "You can imagine a vicious cycle of stigmatization and dysfunctional finger-pointing being the result."
Stress Or Mental Illness?
A culture of 3 a.m. emails and competition in the conference rooms can contribute to workplace stress. A 2013 survey by the American Psychiatric Association found that one-third of working Americans experienced chronic work stress, while only 36 percent reported their employers provided adequate support to manage it. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, some 6.7 percent of American adults experience "major depressive disorder; antidepressants are the most prescribed class of drugs in the United States.
That depression has taken its toll on employers and even taxpayers. Research by Harvard Business School Assistant Professor Joel Goh estimates that workplace stress is responsible for up to 8 percent of national spending on health care and contributes to 120,000 deaths a year. According to the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index, absenteeism from workers diagnosed with depression costs US workplaces an estimated $23 billion annually in lost productivity. That number, however, only calculates losses based on days employees miss, not on the lowered productivity on days they come in to work.
"When it comes to mental health, the main issue for organizations is 'presenteeism' more than absenteeism," says Quelch. And that cost is borne not just by the employee suffering from mental illness. "If I am bringing a mental health problem to the office, I am probably going to impact the office atmosphere and affect other colleagues who will have to pick up the slack."
Perhaps because of the social effects of mental health problems, workers are often reluctant to admit they are suffering from problems—sometimes even to themselves. "There is a pick-yourself-up-by-your-bootstraps philosophy that is still prevalent in many companies," says Quelch. "We develop other words to talk about mental health—we call it 'stress' or call on people to be 'resilient.'"
But normalizing the issue in the workplace can create even more barriers for employees to speak up and admit they have a problem, for fear of being accused of not being able to help themselves. "If someone has diabetes and they have to manage that chronic condition, no one bats an eyelid," says Quelch. "But if I say I have to manage a mental health problem, co-workers and the human resource department may start getting nervous. It's presumed that mental health issues are more under an individual's control."
Changing Cultures
As Quelch and Knoop explore in their note, some companies are taking a different tack, being proactive about integrating mental health into their wellness programs alongside physical health. One approach is through Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs), a resource that enables employees to reach out confidentially for assistance on any number of issues—stress management, finances, or life changes, alongside more serious issues such as depression or suicidal thoughts.
By integrating life management programs with mental health, companies can both address stigmas and provide coping strategies to address issues before they become chronic problems. Johnson & Johnson has created a culture in which employees are welcome to use the corporate gym any time without penalty in order to relieve stress. (The company's approaches to wellness are described in Johnson & Johnson: The Promotion of Wellness.) General Mills offers mindfulness training with on-site meditation to help employees focus as part of its programs to promote mental and physical wellness.
Of course, implementing such a culture change starts at the top. "As always, an expression of support from leadership is very important," says Quelch. "Leaders can set good examples by not sending emails at 3 a.m. or showing up in the office on Saturday mornings, and by implementing a good EAP and encouraging employees and their family members to use it."
To remove the stigma, employers need to educate workers about mental illness and distinguish it from normal levels of stress. At the same time, managers must learn the legal restrictions about asking about mental illness, and the rules around the need for accommodation. Often, this requires formal training programs. "Companies hold numerous meetings related to diversity training to make the workplace comfortable for people of different races, genders, or sexual orientations," says Quelch. "Employees should be educated in the same way about how to deal with mental health issues."
In some lines of work in which the public is put at risk —such as air travel or police service—regular mental health testing may be warranted, says Quelch. In those cases, employers should look into finding the most effective ways of diagnosing potential problems to ensure that cases of mental illness are caught early and-if they do not respond to treatment-then removing those employees who could do others harm.
For the majority of employers, however, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Diagnosing mental health issues early and creating a culture in which employees feel supported and free to seek help can help ensure a healthy and productive workplace across all industries.