

HBS Race, Gender & Equity Initiative
The HBS Gender Initiative supports research, education, and knowledge dissemination to accelerate the advancement of women leaders and promote gender equity in business and society.

WomenExecs on Boards
Founded by past participants of HBS's Women on Boards executive education program, WomenExecs on Boards (WEoB) is a global network of courageous women who are breaking barriers, advancing our knowledge, and supporting members on their board journeys. WEoB is committed to ensuring women reach the boardroom and the C-Suite by showing that diverse leadership improves corporate performance.  

Catalyst is the leading nonprofit organization with a mission to accelerate progress for women through workplace inclusion. They are dedicated to creating workplaces where employees representing every dimension of diversity can thrive. 

50/50 Women on Boards
A grassroots campaign to raise awareness of the issue around women in boards, whose goal was to raise the percentage of women on corporate boards in the U.S. to 20% or greater by the year 2020.  After reaching and exceeding this benchmark the campaign now calls for gender balance and diversity on corporate boards of the Russell 3000 Index companies. 

Invest Ahead (formerly the Thirty Percent Coalition)
Invest Ahead is a national forum of more than 90 institutional investors, state treasurers, corporations, professional services firms, advocacy groups, private equity firms, and individuals representing more than $8 trillion in assets under management.  We began as the Thirty Percent Coalition in 2011, with a goal of 30% of U.S. corporate board seats being held by women.  This goal was seen as the first step on a path to true gender equality on boards.  In 2024, we met the 30% goal in the S&P 500 and Russell 3000.  We also changed our name to Invest Ahead.

30 Percent Club
The 30% Club launched as a campaign in the UK in 2010 with a goal of achieving a minimum of 30% women on FTSE-100 boards - and now their mission is to reach at least 30% representation of women on boards and C-Suites globally.

Black Women on Boards
A membership organization of 200+ globally executive women who have successfully navigated the contours of serving on the boards of public companies as well as those who are fully vetted as top talent and ready to do so. Members typically report directly to the CEO of their public or private company, or are a skip level from that. 

Women in the Boardroom
A membership organization providing women networking, individualized counsel, and coaching services to support board service.

Paradigm for Parity
The Paradigm for Parity® movement is a coalition of business leaders dedicated to addressing the corporate leadership gender gap. The coalition is made up of CEOs, senior executives, founders, board members, and business academics who are committed to achieving a new norm in the corporate world: one in which women and men have equal power, status, and opportunity. Their ultimate goal is to achieve full gender parity within 15 years of joining the coalition, with a near-term goal of women holding at least 30% of senior roles. 

The mission of DirectWomen is to increase the representation of women on corporate boards. DirectWomen identifies leading women lawyers from around the country who are able to provide the experience, independence, business judgment and diversity required for board effectiveness and good corporate governance.

Women Corporate Directors 
WomenCorporateDirectors (WCD) is the world’s largest membership organization and community of women corporate board directors. A non-profit foundation, WCD is a trusted community of directors serving on more than 8,500 public and private boards around the world. 

European Women on Boards
European Women on Boards is a European-wide non-profit organisation which was founded in June 2013 in Brussels. Their vision is to create a unique network of first tier associations from all over Europe that work towards the same purpose: a balanced representation of women on boards of directors.

Corporate Women Directors International (CWDI) 
To provide baseline information from which women’s progress on corporate boards can be measured, CWDI has conducted research internationally since 1996 to identify women corporate board members in Australia, Canada, Japan, South Africa, Spain, and the United States. CWDI has also issued industry-specific studies along with regional and global reports covering top companies and their record on board diversity.

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